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Special Lecture

Special lectures by Pastor Ock Soo Park, the founder of Good News Mission and Good News Theology School. This is an essential and must-to-take course for those who want to live for the gospel as a servant of God. He has led many people who suffered from sin, a burdensome spiritual life, difficult circumstances due to their families or because of their jobs to receive the forgiveness of sins and to live a new, bright life. He wishes to tell everyone all he has ever done and everything he has ever accomplished has come from the power of God. Thousands of people both inside and outside of the country, including those suffering from sin, those who are skeptical of their formal religious life, those who suffer and wander from various problems of life, family, and work, gain the assurance of salvation and spiritual help to live a life of joy. 

Pastor Ock. Soo Park who has been living his whole life for the gospel ever since being born again by the grace of god in 1962, this Special Lecture distinguishes the thought of men and the word of God precisely and helps people to become a servant of God with faith by the word of God established in their hearts.

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Pastor Ock Soo Park

  • Senior Pastor at Good News Gangnam Church, Korea

  • Founder of Good News Mission

  • Founder of Christian Leaders Fellowship (CLF)

  • Founder of International Youth Fellowship (IYF)

  • Bestselling author of 70 gospel and self-development publications that have transformed lives

  • Educational innovator pioneering proprietary “mind education” for schools, companies, and churches. 

  • Spiritual advisor to national heads of state in South America, Africa, Asia, and the South Pacific

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