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The Epistle to the Hebrews

The book of Hebrews bears testimony of the same gospel of grace written throughout the Bible. Even though the author is unknown, it focuses on exalting Jesus as the son of the almighty God rather in contrast to His image as a mortal man. The book of Hebrews is written more like a modern sermon book versus the style of Paul's epistles. The book of Hebrews unites us to Jesus through comparisons to the Tabernacle in the time of Moses and the law of the sacrifices. The purpose of the book of Hebrews is to introduce the perfect gospel of how the will of God is fulfilled without any works of Man. The purpose of the perfect gospel is for us to enter into the spiritual world only through God and to do so, the thoughts and efforts of Man must be completely ruled out.

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Pastor Gwang Bo Rhee

  • Senior Pastor of Good News Hong Kong Church

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